Metamask Wallet Support For your Stellar Application-
Step1: Copy the callMetaStellarFunction
The call Metastellar function is the easiest way to start using stellar on metamask. simply copy this function into a utils file, then pass the desired operation and parameters.
The callMetaStellar Function is a one stop soultion to accessing a users stellar-metamask wallet. Simply run callMetaStellar('connect') to connect and install stellar onto a users Metamask! From there you can interact with the stellar wallet by callingcallMetaStellar('functionName-as-string', {"params":"in-key-value format"});
We beleave the best thing to do is to copy the callMetaStellar Function into a utils folder on your application.
Connecting Stellar + Metamask + Your App
The Wallet must be connected before any other methods can be called. The wallet will auto-install if it is not already!
Getting the Address
The getAddress method returns the address of the currentAccount. The wallet supports multiple accounts, but only one can be connected at a time. this gets the current one.
Getting a dataPacket
Most of the time it is useful to get an overview of a users wallet state. To do this simply call the getDataPacket function. This returns the current Address along with the mainnet and testnet balance a list of assets for the current address and the wallet name and federation address if one exists.
Signing a Transaction
callMetaStellar('signTransaction', {transaction: xdr-as-string , testnet: true })
Most of the time it is useful to get an overview of a users wallet state. To do this simply call the getDataPacket function. This returns the current Address along with the mainnet and testnet balance a list of assets for the current address and the wallet name and federation address if one exists.
Signing and Submiting Transaction
callMetaStellar('signAndSubmitTransaction', {transaction: xdr-as-string , testnet: true })
Most of the time it is useful to get an overview of a users wallet state. To do this simply call the getDataPacket function. This returns the current Address along with the mainnet and testnet balance a list of assets for the current address and the wallet name and federation address if one exists.